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David Walker
Class of 1968

HI everyone! Let's see, for the past
twenty plus years I have been running a swimming pool cleaning service up here in
the Verdugo Hills area. The first four years I had two partners that you all
might remember. Robert MacDonald, class of 1969, and then Doug Crain, class of 1968,
bought him out, and then I bought him out.
I married my high school sweetheart, Ruthie Mattern, class of 1969,
but found out in 3 1/2 years that I wasn't quite mature enough for marriage.
She is now happly married to Dr. Tom Harpo and has great kids, a boy and girl in
high school and currently resides in Oregon.
I love to travel about the world, I guess the
government is responsible for that in sending me on my first trip aboard which ws
Viet Nam in 1970. I was assigned to the 173rd Airborne Brigade and worked with
a great bunch of guys.
I used to play a lot of soft ball and
volley ball, until I blew my knee out (old high school injury), and now play golf
whenever I can. If not traveling, I still go camping a lot.
My biggest pleasure is being an
"uncle" for about 43 kids, only two are blood related, mostly friends I found
myself, and a lot from the "X" family!
That's about it in a nutshell.
Hope you all are enjoying life the best you can. I know I am.
My email
address is below if you would like to get in touch. Looking forward to hearing from
my fellow VHHS classmates
[ Jeanne Ball - Reinhardt ] [ Ray Berndt ] [ Barbara Biglay ] [ Paula Broffman - Wilkes ] [ Jaime Conrad - Steele ] [ Bob Cook ] [ Jack D. Cooke ] [ Sean Curtis ] [ Sue DIllingham ] [ Christine Elliott - Roskilly ] [ Julie Fay ] [ Twila Fay - DeHass ] [ Bill Fesler ] [ Sharon Forbes - Mertens ] [ Steve Garrison ] [ Sharon Gibson - Pike ] [ William Grantham ] [ Karen Haaversen ] [ James Hoggatt ] [ Bill Hogue ] [ Debbie Howland ] [ Denise Jensen - Jackson ] [ Brenda Krassie - Clevenger ] [ Alan LaGreen ] [ Mike Latauska ] [ Steven A. Latauska ] [ Janice Allen - Lewandowski ] [ Henry "Hank" Lewandowski ] [ Madolyn Line - Nix ] [ Sherrie London ] [ Thomas MacCalla ] [ John Martinson ] [ Nancy Mashler - Reid ] [ Dawn McBee - Timmerman ] [ Patricia McCaskill ] [ Cathy Moody - Weckmann ] [ Rebecca Moody - Thomson ] [ Vivian Nunley - Schwartz ] [ Jose Ortiz ] [ Nadesan Permaul ] [ Sue Petrie ] [ Emily Pitt ] [ Jackie Puntar - Latauska ] [ Dave Robertson ] [ Chuck Schwartz ] [ Larry Schwartz ] [ Jenny Skogen - Manders ] [ Terry Thomson ] [ Kay Turner - Waggoner ] [ Ronald Turner ] [ David Walker ] [ Steve Walker ] [ Kathleen Weatherwax ] [ Martin"Marty" Weatherwax ] [ Kathy Weiczorek - Cleary ] [ Denise Welch - Van Eps ] [ Wendy Wexler ] [ Debbi White - Simpson ] [ Terry Whitaker ] [ Randy Zahn ] [ Editorial & Speak Out Page ] [ Alumni Bulletin Board ] [ Hits of the 1960's ] [ Jokes, Quotes & Sayings Page ] [ Memorial Page ] [ Picture Memorial Page 1 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 2 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 3 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 4 ] [ Vietnam Memorial Page ] [ Sunland Park Memorial Cleaned Up ] [ Dedications Section ] [ Nostalgia Page 1 ] [ Nostalgia Page 2 ] [ Nostalgia Page 3 ] [ Nostalgia Page 4 ] [ Nostalgia Page 5 ] [ Remember When? ] [ Remember When? Page 2 ] [ Remember When? Page 3 ] [ Remember When? Page 4 ] [ Remember When? Page 5 ] [ Remember When? Page 6 ] [ Remember When? Page 7 ] [ Remember When? Page 8 ] [ Remember When? Page 9 ] [ Remember When? Page 10 ] [ Remember When? Page 11 ] [ Remember When? Page 12 ] [ Remember When? Page 13 ] [ Novembers To Remember ] [ Our Teachers ] [ Our Teachers Page 2 ] [ Our Teachers Page 3 ] [ Our Teachers Page 4 ] [ Our Teachers Page 5 ] [ Our Teachers Page 6 ] [ Our Teachers Page 7 ] [ Our Teachers Page 8 ] [ Prom & Miscellaneous Picture Page ] [ Prom Pictures Page 2 ] [ Prom Pictures Page 3 ] [ Class of 1968 Reunion Picture Pages ] [ Class of 1969 Reunion Picture Pages ] [ Special Friends Of Our Classmates Section ] [ VHHS & Tujunga Today Page 1 ] [ A Trip Up Foothill Blvd Page 1 ] [ VHHS Class Plaques 1939 - 1961 Page 1 ] [ VHHS "Winter" Class Plaques 1939 - 1961 Page 1 ] [ Remembering 1968 Page 1 ] [ June 22nd, 1967 La Yuca Page 1 ] [ June 12, 1968 La Yuca Page 1 ] [ Record Ledger Clippings Page 1 ] [ 1967 Senior Wills Page 1 ] [ A Picture of Old Sunland - Tujunga ] [ A Very Special Reunion ] [ Attack On America Page 1 ] [ Ground Zero - New York Page 1 ] [ Veterans Day 2001 ] [ Classic Los Angeles Radio 1960's ] [ Some More Memories Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1950's Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 2 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 3 ] [ VHHS 1956 Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1957 Page 1 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 1 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 2 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 3 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 4 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 5 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 6 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 7 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 8 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 9 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 10 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 11 ] [ 1970 Grad Pictures Page 1 ] [ The WALL Page 1 ]