Larry Schwartz
Class of 1968

Hello and Welcome!
You can email me at
the following address:
My Biography
After graduation in the winter of 1968, I nearly
joined the armys helicopter pilot program. Several friends convinced me that I
should rethink those plans so I continued in school at L.A. Valley College with a police
science major and played football for the Monarchs.
Vivian Nunley (VHHS winter 1969) and I married in
1969. Our first son, Warren, was born in the fall. We both continued at Valley J.C. with
our night classes. Viv received her AA as I continued and worked at Lockheed in Burbank.
In May of 1972 I joined the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department. I returned to
Valley J.C. after the academy and finished with my AA degree. By 1973 we had our second
son, Russell. At this time in our lives, we had moved from Sun Valley to Glendale to Van
Nuys (buying our first house) and then to Canoga Park where we bought our second house.
Viv graduated from CSUN and I attended CSULA. I graduated in 1978 with my B.S. (only
taking ten years to complete my 4-year degree!). Viv went on to law school and has worked
for Safeco Insurance Company since passing the California Bar. She manages the law offices
in San Diego and one in San Bernardino. In 1990, we moved to San Clemente so Vivian could
be closer to her work and I was still able to commute back to L.A. every day. We really
enjoy living here and being so close to the beach. Our first night in our new house was
disturbed a bit by the sounds of what we thought were dogs barking. We learned the next
day from our neighbors that what we heard were seals! I said we were close to the beach.
I worked a variety of assignments on the
Sheriffs Department but the most interesting was the years at West Hollywood
Station. I worked both as a patrol deputy, a training officer and in the station detective
bureau. I promoted twice and have been a lieutenant for the last 11 years. After working
another two patrol assignments I am now assigned to the Communications Center working on
several radio and computer projects.

Much of our free time is spent with our
granddaughters on weekend camping trips with a group of close friends. I have been
involved with ham radio off and on since junior high (my current call sign is N6OCM).
After much prodding, I convinced Vivian to study and get her ham license (Technician Plus
- KF6ZMD). Other interests include Dutch Oven cooking, reading US history, hunting and
fishing. We got a tandem bicycle last year and really enjoy long rides along the coast.
Both our sons, Warren and Russell are married and
live in Southern California. Russ has given us two lovely granddaughters. Russ has his own
diesel repair business and Warren is about to open a restaurant in Hollywood on Melrose
Avenue which will be called LACA.
[ Jeanne Ball - Reinhardt ] [ Ray Berndt ] [ Barbara Biglay ] [ Paula Broffman - Wilkes ] [ Jaime Conrad - Steele ] [ Bob Cook ] [ Jack D. Cooke ] [ Sean Curtis ] [ Sue DIllingham ] [ Christine Elliott - Roskilly ] [ Julie Fay ] [ Twila Fay - DeHass ] [ Bill Fesler ] [ Sharon Forbes - Mertens ] [ Steve Garrison ] [ Sharon Gibson - Pike ] [ William Grantham ] [ Karen Haaversen ] [ James Hoggatt ] [ Bill Hogue ] [ Debbie Howland ] [ Denise Jensen - Jackson ] [ Brenda Krassie - Clevenger ] [ Alan LaGreen ] [ Mike Latauska ] [ Steven A. Latauska ] [ Janice Allen - Lewandowski ] [ Henry "Hank" Lewandowski ] [ Madolyn Line - Nix ] [ Sherrie London ] [ Thomas MacCalla ] [ John Martinson ] [ Nancy Mashler - Reid ] [ Dawn McBee - Timmerman ] [ Patricia McCaskill ] [ Cathy Moody - Weckmann ] [ Rebecca Moody - Thomson ] [ Vivian Nunley - Schwartz ] [ Jose Ortiz ] [ Nadesan Permaul ] [ Sue Petrie ] [ Emily Pitt ] [ Jackie Puntar - Latauska ] [ Dave Robertson ] [ Chuck Schwartz ] [ Larry Schwartz ] [ Jenny Skogen - Manders ] [ Terry Thomson ] [ Kay Turner - Waggoner ] [ Ronald Turner ] [ David Walker ] [ Steve Walker ] [ Kathleen Weatherwax ] [ Martin"Marty" Weatherwax ] [ Kathy Weiczorek - Cleary ] [ Denise Welch - Van Eps ] [ Wendy Wexler ] [ Debbi White - Simpson ] [ Terry Whitaker ] [ Randy Zahn ] [ Editorial & Speak Out Page ] [ Alumni Bulletin Board ] [ Hits of the 1960's ] [ Jokes, Quotes & Sayings Page ] [ Memorial Page ] [ Picture Memorial Page 1 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 2 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 3 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 4 ] [ Vietnam Memorial Page ] [ Sunland Park Memorial Cleaned Up ] [ Dedications Section ] [ Nostalgia Page 1 ] [ Nostalgia Page 2 ] [ Nostalgia Page 3 ] [ Nostalgia Page 4 ] [ Nostalgia Page 5 ] [ Remember When? ] [ Remember When? Page 2 ] [ Remember When? Page 3 ] [ Remember When? Page 4 ] [ Remember When? Page 5 ] [ Remember When? Page 6 ] [ Remember When? Page 7 ] [ Remember When? Page 8 ] [ Remember When? Page 9 ] [ Remember When? Page 10 ] [ Remember When? Page 11 ] [ Remember When? Page 12 ] [ Remember When? Page 13 ] [ Novembers To Remember ] [ Our Teachers ] [ Our Teachers Page 2 ] [ Our Teachers Page 3 ] [ Our Teachers Page 4 ] [ Our Teachers Page 5 ] [ Our Teachers Page 6 ] [ Our Teachers Page 7 ] [ Our Teachers Page 8 ] [ Prom & Miscellaneous Picture Page ] [ Prom Pictures Page 2 ] [ Prom Pictures Page 3 ] [ Class of 1968 Reunion Picture Pages ] [ Class of 1969 Reunion Picture Pages ] [ Special Friends Of Our Classmates Section ] [ VHHS & Tujunga Today Page 1 ] [ A Trip Up Foothill Blvd Page 1 ] [ VHHS Class Plaques 1939 - 1961 Page 1 ] [ VHHS "Winter" Class Plaques 1939 - 1961 Page 1 ] [ Remembering 1968 Page 1 ] [ June 22nd, 1967 La Yuca Page 1 ] [ June 12, 1968 La Yuca Page 1 ] [ Record Ledger Clippings Page 1 ] [ 1967 Senior Wills Page 1 ] [ A Picture of Old Sunland - Tujunga ] [ A Very Special Reunion ] [ Attack On America Page 1 ] [ Ground Zero - New York Page 1 ] [ Veterans Day 2001 ] [ Classic Los Angeles Radio 1960's ] [ Some More Memories Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1950's Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 2 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 3 ] [ VHHS 1956 Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1957 Page 1 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 1 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 2 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 3 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 4 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 5 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 6 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 7 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 8 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 9 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 10 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 11 ] [ 1970 Grad Pictures Page 1 ] [ The WALL Page 1 ]