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Steven A. Latauska
Class of 1967

Jackie and I at our 30 year reunion
in August, 1997
Here is a short biography about me since my days at VHHS
I don't want to spend much time on the
same old stuff everyone else reports, because after a while all our biographies start
sounding similar.
I am happy to tell you that I married
my high school sweetheart Jackie Puntar (whom I first met in the 3rd grade at Stonehurst
Elementary School in Sun Valley), served active duty and reserve time in the military and
graduated from college with Associates, Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Jackie is still
FANTASTIC, but the degrees and all that other stuff are no big deal to me at this stage of
my life.
I have worked for the County of Los Angeles for the
last ten years and am Contracts Manager at LAC - High Desert Hospital in Lancaster. I
enjoy my job and plan to stay with the County until retirement.
The most important part of my life,
however, has nothing to do with work or educational background, material possessions or
the type of house we live in (in Simi Valley, CA for the last 17 years).
Of primary importance to me are Jackie and the
children. We have been married for almost 29 years (got married in December, 1970). We
have three FANTASTIC children. Melanie is 22 and works for Countrywide Mortgage, but plans
to return to college full time in the near future. Mike is 19 1/2 and works for
Countrywide (but will soon leave on his full time mission for the LDS Church) and our Amy
is 11 and will enter the 6th grade in September of 1999.
Our children are intelligent, witty
and motivated. This is where Jackie and I see our real success in life, so far, as we have
had no problems or any type of serious troubles (thank goodness) with them, and we have a
very close family.
My parents are still living in the same house we grew
up in, in Shadow Hills. They are doing well. My Mom has just taught herself the computer,
and Dad is still an avid sports fan. My brother Mike is doing well also, but I will let
him tell you about his life on his web page.
I just want to say one last thing. I
wish to honor my friend Rob Willott, who died in an automobile accident in October, 1993
in Weaverville, California, where he was living with his wife and building a new home.
All through Elementary, Junior High and High School
Rob and I were best buddies, and I think of him often. Seeing his picture on one of the
Memorial Pages brought back a lot of memories of very good times together. He was a GREAT
person and my best friend in those days, and I shall miss him my whole life.
Thats it. I guess we'll be able to
update our bios from time to time. Looking forward to hearing from you. If you wish, you
can email Jackie or I at:
[ Jeanne Ball - Reinhardt ] [ Ray Berndt ] [ Barbara Biglay ] [ Paula Broffman - Wilkes ] [ Jaime Conrad - Steele ] [ Bob Cook ] [ Jack D. Cooke ] [ Sean Curtis ] [ Sue DIllingham ] [ Christine Elliott - Roskilly ] [ Julie Fay ] [ Twila Fay - DeHass ] [ Bill Fesler ] [ Sharon Forbes - Mertens ] [ Steve Garrison ] [ Sharon Gibson - Pike ] [ William Grantham ] [ Karen Haaversen ] [ James Hoggatt ] [ Bill Hogue ] [ Debbie Howland ] [ Denise Jensen - Jackson ] [ Brenda Krassie - Clevenger ] [ Alan LaGreen ] [ Mike Latauska ] [ Steven A. Latauska ] [ Janice Allen - Lewandowski ] [ Henry "Hank" Lewandowski ] [ Madolyn Line - Nix ] [ Sherrie London ] [ Thomas MacCalla ] [ John Martinson ] [ Nancy Mashler - Reid ] [ Dawn McBee - Timmerman ] [ Patricia McCaskill ] [ Cathy Moody - Weckmann ] [ Rebecca Moody - Thomson ] [ Vivian Nunley - Schwartz ] [ Jose Ortiz ] [ Nadesan Permaul ] [ Sue Petrie ] [ Emily Pitt ] [ Jackie Puntar - Latauska ] [ Dave Robertson ] [ Chuck Schwartz ] [ Larry Schwartz ] [ Jenny Skogen - Manders ] [ Terry Thomson ] [ Kay Turner - Waggoner ] [ Ronald Turner ] [ David Walker ] [ Steve Walker ] [ Kathleen Weatherwax ] [ Martin"Marty" Weatherwax ] [ Kathy Weiczorek - Cleary ] [ Denise Welch - Van Eps ] [ Wendy Wexler ] [ Debbi White - Simpson ] [ Terry Whitaker ] [ Randy Zahn ] [ Editorial & Speak Out Page ] [ Alumni Bulletin Board ] [ Hits of the 1960's ] [ Jokes, Quotes & Sayings Page ] [ Memorial Page ] [ Picture Memorial Page 1 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 2 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 3 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 4 ] [ Vietnam Memorial Page ] [ Sunland Park Memorial Cleaned Up ] [ Dedications Section ] [ Nostalgia Page 1 ] [ Nostalgia Page 2 ] [ Nostalgia Page 3 ] [ Nostalgia Page 4 ] [ Nostalgia Page 5 ] [ Remember When? ] [ Remember When? Page 2 ] [ Remember When? Page 3 ] [ Remember When? Page 4 ] [ Remember When? Page 5 ] [ Remember When? Page 6 ] [ Remember When? Page 7 ] [ Remember When? Page 8 ] [ Remember When? Page 9 ] [ Remember When? Page 10 ] [ Remember When? Page 11 ] [ Remember When? Page 12 ] [ Remember When? Page 13 ] [ Novembers To Remember ] [ Our Teachers ] [ Our Teachers Page 2 ] [ Our Teachers Page 3 ] [ Our Teachers Page 4 ] [ Our Teachers Page 5 ] [ Our Teachers Page 6 ] [ Our Teachers Page 7 ] [ Our Teachers Page 8 ] [ Prom & Miscellaneous Picture Page ] [ Prom Pictures Page 2 ] [ Prom Pictures Page 3 ] [ Class of 1968 Reunion Picture Pages ] [ Class of 1969 Reunion Picture Pages ] [ Special Friends Of Our Classmates Section ] [ VHHS & Tujunga Today Page 1 ] [ A Trip Up Foothill Blvd Page 1 ] [ VHHS Class Plaques 1939 - 1961 Page 1 ] [ VHHS "Winter" Class Plaques 1939 - 1961 Page 1 ] [ Remembering 1968 Page 1 ] [ June 22nd, 1967 La Yuca Page 1 ] [ June 12, 1968 La Yuca Page 1 ] [ Record Ledger Clippings Page 1 ] [ 1967 Senior Wills Page 1 ] [ A Picture of Old Sunland - Tujunga ] [ A Very Special Reunion ] [ Attack On America Page 1 ] [ Ground Zero - New York Page 1 ] [ Veterans Day 2001 ] [ Classic Los Angeles Radio 1960's ] [ Some More Memories Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1950's Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 2 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 3 ] [ VHHS 1956 Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1957 Page 1 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 1 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 2 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 3 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 4 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 5 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 6 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 7 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 8 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 9 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 10 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 11 ] [ 1970 Grad Pictures Page 1 ] [ The WALL Page 1 ]