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Dave Robertson
Class of 1968

Hello there!
Welcome to my
page on the VHHS Alumni WebSite. It is great to be here with my fellow classmates. Below, is a short biography of what has happened in my life since the days
of VHHS.

Wow! This whole
reunion thing, both electronic and in person last July, has really been an experience for
me. I left Tujunga in August of 1968 to go away to college, and then my folks
moved while I was away at school (old joke, but true story). So, I had
no real ongoing connections with Tujunga and VHHS since then, until very recently.
I had been in touch with Al LaGreen from time to time, but we
now correspond regularly, and in fact spent some time together before the reunion last
year. But it was sheer chance back in the 80's that re-connected me with
Verdugo. I was channel surfing and came across someone on The People's Court that
looked so familiar, I was sure it was a former neighbor here in Kentucky. Turns out
it was Norm Ray, our chemistry teacher from Verdugo. Then a couple of
years ago, I was playing around with a web search engine and entered "Verdugo".
There, among the nursing home, real estate companies, etc. was VHHS! I
found the web pages then, and have been in contact ever since, and I've been honored
to be part of the effort for the veterans memorial there. Speaking of
veterans, I sure hope that I can use the photo from our 1968 yearbook, because
that's the last time I had hair! I was either in ROTC, on active duty, or in
the Army Reserve from 1968 until 1993 and now there's no hair left to grow.

In civilian life, I've been with IBM
since 1974, and am currently a Project
Manager with IBM Global Services. I graduated from the University of Kentucky,
and married Jean in 1978. Our daughter Jenny was born in 1981 and is now also at
UK - Class of 2003; our son Jason was born in 1986 and is currently in Middle
School (Junior High as we knew it). Being here in the heart of the
Bluegrass, we have 5 horses running around our place. Everyone rides but me -
though I did fall rather well (and regularly) and therefore lost any interest in
In closing, perhaps it's a
natural part of the aging process that we now are reaching out to each other and finding
so much enjoyment in this undertaking. But I like to think that part of it, a large
part in fact, goes all the way back to the "magical times". In fact, Jenny
is a huge Doors fan, and fully understands that L.A. in the sixties, and all that went
with it, was magic. Did we know how lucky we were at the time? How
cool was it that "On Verdugo" was included in the Beach Boys' song "Be True
To Your School"? Of course, we later learned that it was really
"On Wisconsin", but that didn't diminish our enjoyment at the time, and I
still find myself singing along when it comes on the oldies station
today. So many great memories from those days!
Very best wishes to all my fellow baby -boomer-Dons. Please feel free to drop
me a line anytime:
[ Jeanne Ball - Reinhardt ] [ Ray Berndt ] [ Barbara Biglay ] [ Paula Broffman - Wilkes ] [ Jaime Conrad - Steele ] [ Bob Cook ] [ Jack D. Cooke ] [ Sean Curtis ] [ Sue DIllingham ] [ Christine Elliott - Roskilly ] [ Julie Fay ] [ Twila Fay - DeHass ] [ Bill Fesler ] [ Sharon Forbes - Mertens ] [ Steve Garrison ] [ Sharon Gibson - Pike ] [ William Grantham ] [ Karen Haaversen ] [ James Hoggatt ] [ Bill Hogue ] [ Debbie Howland ] [ Denise Jensen - Jackson ] [ Brenda Krassie - Clevenger ] [ Alan LaGreen ] [ Mike Latauska ] [ Steven A. Latauska ] [ Janice Allen - Lewandowski ] [ Henry "Hank" Lewandowski ] [ Madolyn Line - Nix ] [ Sherrie London ] [ Thomas MacCalla ] [ John Martinson ] [ Nancy Mashler - Reid ] [ Dawn McBee - Timmerman ] [ Patricia McCaskill ] [ Cathy Moody - Weckmann ] [ Rebecca Moody - Thomson ] [ Vivian Nunley - Schwartz ] [ Jose Ortiz ] [ Nadesan Permaul ] [ Sue Petrie ] [ Emily Pitt ] [ Jackie Puntar - Latauska ] [ Dave Robertson ] [ Chuck Schwartz ] [ Larry Schwartz ] [ Jenny Skogen - Manders ] [ Terry Thomson ] [ Kay Turner - Waggoner ] [ Ronald Turner ] [ David Walker ] [ Steve Walker ] [ Kathleen Weatherwax ] [ Martin"Marty" Weatherwax ] [ Kathy Weiczorek - Cleary ] [ Denise Welch - Van Eps ] [ Wendy Wexler ] [ Debbi White - Simpson ] [ Terry Whitaker ] [ Randy Zahn ] [ Editorial & Speak Out Page ] [ Alumni Bulletin Board ] [ Hits of the 1960's ] [ Jokes, Quotes & Sayings Page ] [ Memorial Page ] [ Picture Memorial Page 1 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 2 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 3 ] [ Picture Memorial Page 4 ] [ Vietnam Memorial Page ] [ Sunland Park Memorial Cleaned Up ] [ Dedications Section ] [ Nostalgia Page 1 ] [ Nostalgia Page 2 ] [ Nostalgia Page 3 ] [ Nostalgia Page 4 ] [ Nostalgia Page 5 ] [ Remember When? ] [ Remember When? Page 2 ] [ Remember When? Page 3 ] [ Remember When? Page 4 ] [ Remember When? Page 5 ] [ Remember When? Page 6 ] [ Remember When? Page 7 ] [ Remember When? Page 8 ] [ Remember When? Page 9 ] [ Remember When? Page 10 ] [ Remember When? Page 11 ] [ Remember When? Page 12 ] [ Remember When? Page 13 ] [ Novembers To Remember ] [ Our Teachers ] [ Our Teachers Page 2 ] [ Our Teachers Page 3 ] [ Our Teachers Page 4 ] [ Our Teachers Page 5 ] [ Our Teachers Page 6 ] [ Our Teachers Page 7 ] [ Our Teachers Page 8 ] [ Prom & Miscellaneous Picture Page ] [ Prom Pictures Page 2 ] [ Prom Pictures Page 3 ] [ Class of 1968 Reunion Picture Pages ] [ Class of 1969 Reunion Picture Pages ] [ Special Friends Of Our Classmates Section ] [ VHHS & Tujunga Today Page 1 ] [ A Trip Up Foothill Blvd Page 1 ] [ VHHS Class Plaques 1939 - 1961 Page 1 ] [ VHHS "Winter" Class Plaques 1939 - 1961 Page 1 ] [ Remembering 1968 Page 1 ] [ June 22nd, 1967 La Yuca Page 1 ] [ June 12, 1968 La Yuca Page 1 ] [ Record Ledger Clippings Page 1 ] [ 1967 Senior Wills Page 1 ] [ A Picture of Old Sunland - Tujunga ] [ A Very Special Reunion ] [ Attack On America Page 1 ] [ Ground Zero - New York Page 1 ] [ Veterans Day 2001 ] [ Classic Los Angeles Radio 1960's ] [ Some More Memories Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1950's Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 2 ] [ VHHS 1952 Page 3 ] [ VHHS 1956 Page 1 ] [ VHHS 1957 Page 1 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 1 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 2 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 3 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 4 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 5 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 6 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 7 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 8 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 9 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 10 ] [ 1952 Teachers Page 11 ] [ 1970 Grad Pictures Page 1 ] [ The WALL Page 1 ]